IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks
5–7 November 2024 // Natal, Brazil

Call for the Doctoral Symposium


Download Call for the Doctoral Symposium (PDF version)

Submissions here

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: Aug. 19th, 2024 Sept. 3rd, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: Sept. 19th, 2024
  • Camera-ready deadline: Oct. 7th, 2024
  • NFV-SDN Conference: Nov. 5th-7th, 2024


The Doctoral Symposium is an innovative feature of the IEEE NFV-SDN conference series. It provides an opportunity for PhD students to discuss and get valuable feedback on their research work from experienced researchers from both industry and academia. It will help to build and strengthen collaboration amongst the communities researching and working in the areas of NFV and SDN.

For PhD students at the beginning of their research, the Doctoral Symposium is a great occasion to expand on the horizon of current research trends and challenges surrounding NFV and SDN technologies. Likewise, the event enables more advanced PhD students to exchange experience with distinguished engineers and scholars and to learn about further career paths or open positions in specialized domains.

The doctoral symposium has the status of an IEEE workshop and provides an excellent opportunity for networking amongst all participants. PhD students are welcome to submit papers influencing the evolution and operation of virtualized and softwarized networks, including (but not limited to) NFV and SDN technologies. Accepted submissions are published in the conference proceedings and disseminated through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.


The forum is open to all PhD students and researchers whose PhD thesis is in progress, or was recently completed (i.e., during 2023 or 2024). We particularly welcome submissions from PhD students at the beginning of their work when they have a well-defined problem statement and are developing their ideas on how to approach the challenges. Likewise, we are also looking for contributions from PhD students in more advanced stages who want to present their research results and share insights coming from their experience which might help others to progress their work. The Doctoral Symposium Committee will require evidence of the status as a (former) PhD student. This can be a letter from the supervisor or other recognized authority within the university.

Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must be written in English and formatted according to the standard IEEE double-column conference template (10-point font). Early stage PhD papers should be two (2) to four (4) pages in length. Late stage PhD papers should be four (4) to six (6) pages in length. One additional page is available for a surcharge of 100USD. To be published in the conference proceedings and in IEEE Xplore, the PhD student of an accepted paper is required to register at the author rate and to present the paper at the conference. For detailed information on submission and advice to best structure the paper, please visit Call for Doctoral Symposium.

Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs

Dewang Gedia, Cisco Systems, USA

Roger Immich, UFRN, BR

NFV-SDN General Co-Chairs

Augusto Neto, UFRN, BR

Eduardo Cerqueira, UFPA, BR
