IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks
5–7 November 2024 // Natal, Brazil

Call for Demos

Call for Demonstrations

Download Call for Demonstrations (PDF version)

Submission of Demonstrations

Important Dates

  • Demo submission deadline: Aug. 12th, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: Sep. 19th, 2024
  • Camera-ready deadline: Sep. 30th, 2024
  • NFV-SDN Conference: Nov. 5th-7th, 2024


The 10th IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (IEEE NFV-SDN 2024) conference, which will take place on 5-7 November in Natal, Brazil, invites proposals for demonstrations. Demonstrations complement the conference with practical showcases from the industry on best practices in the field and advances currently underway in research and academia.

Demonstration contributors are expected to provide a demo proposal (up to two pages in IEEE double-column style, 10pt font) incorporating a demo system architecture description and an illustration of the elements that will be demonstrated. An accompanying separate document should also describe the demo setup details and requirements. Demo papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be included in the electronic conference proceedings bundle provided to IEEE NFV-SDN 2024 attendees and will be subsequently made available via IEEE Xplore.

At least one author of an accepted demo must register for the conference at the full rate and present the demo at the IEEE NFV-SDN 2024 conference.

The demo proposals will be reviewed by the IEEE NFV-SDN 2024 program committee and will be approved based on the availability of demo space as well as on the following criteria:

  • Extent and significance of the research contribution or insights into best practices
  • Potential impact on the audience
  • Quality and depth of the proposed implementation


Topics of interest and within the scope of IEEE NFV-SDN 2024 include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Advances in network control planes, forwarding abstractions, and data plane programmability
  • Dynamic service function chaining/orchestration and traffic steering
  • SDN/CNF/NFV in recent and novel architecture paradigms
  • Optimizing virtualized infrastructures, including hardware acceleration techniques
  • Heterogeneous server platforms and the detailed element-level CPU/GPU/FPGA mapping of VNFs
  • SDN/NFV in 6G three-dimensional networking
  • Intent and policy-based management
  • SDN and information centric networking (ICN)
  • Smart service delivery and orchestration
  • Application of machine learning and big data analytics to manage virtualized networks
  • Machine learning tools for next-generation network optimization
  • ML/AI techniques and models for network and service management
  • ML/AI-enabled SDN/CNF/NFV deployments
  • Resiliency, fault management, and self-healing functions
  • Security frameworks
  • Network management in SDN
  • Advanced tools for automated design, deployment, validation, and network problem diagnosis
  • Data/control plane performance, interoperability, and scalability studies
  • Congestion control mechanisms in SDN
  • Costs of migration of application containers and workloads
  • Experience building network virtualization testbeds
  • Design guidelines for modularity, scalability, high availability and interoperability (e.g. container/agent-based and micro service implementations)
  • Comparative studies on different virtualization technologies
  • Usage scenarios such as SD-WAN, IoT, Smart Grid, and Smart Cities, etc.
  • Improvements in future communication infrastructure enabled by SDN and NFV including RAN, evolution to 6G, public, private and hybrid clouds
  • Operational experience (e.g. lab. and field trial results)

Submission Guidelines

Prospective contributors are invited to submit a demo proposal in the form of a 2-page paper including a demo system illustration. One additional page is available for an over length page charge of 100USD. Papers exceeding three pages are not accepted. All submissions must be written in English and use the standard IEEE two-column conference template with 10pt font size. Links to a short online video clip or screencast showcasing the work are encouraged. Setup requirements (e.g., number of monitors, internet access, etc.) should be stated in a separate document and uploaded along with the demo paper. Demo proposals need to obey the same general requirements with respect to registration, presentation, double submission, and plagiarism as full conference papers. Only PDF files will be accepted for review and must be electronically submitted via EDAS:

Demo Co-Chairs

Helge Parzyjegla, University of Rostock (helge.parzyjegla<at>

Fábio Luciano Verdi, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) (verdi<at>
