IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks
5–7 November 2024 // Natal, Brazil

IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks

News and Announcements

We are happy to annouce that Fabrizio Granelli will be one of our keynote speakers! For more information, click here

Welcome Message

The 10th IEEE Conference on Network Functions Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (IEEE NFV-SDN 2024) Conference will take place for the first time in South America in the beautiful Brazilian city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte state. The conference is an important forum for the ongoing exchange of the latest ideas, developments, and results amongst ecosystem partners in both academia and industry. The conference fosters knowledge sharing and discussion on new approaches and works addressing gaps and improvements in virtualized-enabled architectures, algorithms, and operational frameworks for virtualized network functions and infrastructures.

IEEE NFV-SDN 2024 is scheduled as a fully in-person conference. The General Chairs of this conference have the greatest respect for any personal or other concerns that may remain, and nevertheless would strongly encourage your attendance in person whenever possible in 2024. Our primary reasoning is based on the historical interaction between industry and academia associated with this conference. Thanks a lot for your understanding of our desire to have you attend in person.

We are looking forward to meeting you all in the beautiful city of Natal!

August Neto and Eduardo Cerqueira
(General Chairs 2024 IEEE NFV-SDN and on behalf of the OC)
